3 Quick Tips to making packing SO much easier
Now that travel is somewhat back to normal let’s share some tips on how to make the packing process easier!
We all know that it is SO much easier to carry on instead of checking, and these days with all the ridiculous bag charges and fees, it is just a no-brainer to carry on. Easier said than done, I know. Most of the time I have the best intentions to carry on but then one thing or another holds me back, like one too many ‘just in case’ outfits, or I just HAD to have my favorite hair product in the 6-ounce bottle. Use these simple tips to avoid the dreaded checked bags procedure; you will get through the airport much more quickly saving you precious time to enjoy your travels.
Pack what you know you won’t have. For example, if you are staying in a nice hotel you can be pretty sure you will have access to decent shampoo and conditioner, so leave those at home and save the room in your bag. Staying with a friend? Call and ask if she has a hair straightener you can borrow.
Downsize. You know you can only bring 3.4-ounce bottles so be sure to stock up on free samples of your favorite beauty products next time you are buying them. Sephora is famous for giving a free sample of any of its products, and Blue Mercury has always been my ‘go-to’ for samples. I like to reuse other minis and fill them with my own products. Just be sure to label them so you know what is in each sample size bottle.
Choose wisely. I have one main toiletry bag filled with everything I could possibly need- so in a rush situation (or if I am driving and space is not an issue I just grab the whole bag and I can rest assured I have everything I could possibly need) but when I am flying I take out my bag and pick and choose just the essentials, and put those in a smaller bag and leave the rest.
Bonus tip: Also schedule regular maintenance like eyebrow waxing and manis so that you can be low maintenance while you travel. It also reduces the amount of stuff you have to carry. I mean who wants to tweeze their own eyebrows when you’re on vacation anyway?