How to get rid of basically anything

Okay, so you just went through and Kon-Marie’d the crap out of your house and you have a huge pile of stuff you don’t want or need anymore, now what?  


I drop everything at the goodwill because there is one right down the street from my house.  I usually put everything in trash bags or small boxes so it is easy to unload and also so they can’t easily turn down any of my items (sometimes they will not take certain items like books if they have too many).  There are many companies out there that will pick up items from your house (Purple Heart, Salvation Army, etc).  The only issue with this is that they can be picky about what they accept so make sure to call and confirm they can take what you are getting rid of.

Post for free on Craigslist

I can’t tell you how many times I have posted a huge pile of junk that my client and I decided wasn’t even worth donating to find most of it gone just hours later.  You never know what people may need or want (one man’s trash…) 

Just recently, I had some old baby gear that I had loaded into my car to take to Goodwill for a client.  Unfortunately, I didn’t make it to Goodwill before they closed for the day and I needed an empty car to take another load for the next day’s client.  I put all the stuff out on my curb, spread out a bit so people driving by could see what was there, snapped a pic and posted for free on Craigslist (it took me all of five minutes) and the next day when I returned home everything except one item was gone!

Sell on Craigslist or other apps. 

I’ve personally always been a huge fan of selling stuff on Craigslist but now there are so many other similar websites and apps it really couldn’t be easier.  In fact, I’ve had better luck with Facebook Marketplace and Next-Door (neighborhood email list serve) than I have with Craigslist in recent months.  With Facebook you can even see if you have friends in common so it doesn’t feel quite as sketchy and random as Craigslist.  I have a whole post on how to sell on Craigslist here LINK: 


I know, its not the greenest option in the world but when it comes to something taking up unnecessary space in your home and causing you grief I’d rather see it in a landfill than in your home.