Quick tips for organizing your office

  • Take space into consideration- if you work out of a tiny room in your home, you don’t need a five-pound box of paperclips and a ton of backup office supplies.  On the flip side, if you have a 15-person office, you are going to need more than a few shelves in a kitchen/copy/supply room.  

  • Containers can be really important here; not much should be “un-contained.”  Also, you don’t need to buy fancy containers unless it will drive you crazy not to have an office that looks like a Pinterest post.  (If that is the case, by all means, spend the money on pretty matching containers.  It is important for your work space to be as stress-free and calm as possible so you can do your best work.)  

  • Keep as much out of sight as possible, even if it means getting (insert pic from Tariqs office) containers to hide the stuff, just make sure to label the products so you know exactly where everything is when you need it.  Magazine files are great for larger supplies such as paper-size documents, folders, binders, labels, tab divisors, notebooks, extra paper.  For other supplies, you can either use what you have around the house (old iPhone cases, jewelry cases or small gift boxes work great).