Everyday Life Simplified: The Dishwasher!
I wanted to kick off this post with one of my all-time favorite organizing tips that deals with making one of the most dreaded household chores more manageable.
The dishwasher!!
Everyone has their own preference when it comes to household chores, you probably enjoy some marginally more than others and you probably have some that you just altogether hate.
Myself, the thing I dislike most is emptying the clean dishes from the dishwasher. I used to say I could fold laundry all day long, load after load, just to avoid emptying the dishwasher even once. Now, all that has changed . . . this quick trick has changed the whole experience.
So you’ve emptied everything and now all you have left is a jumble of silverware that needs to be picked through… (this was always the worst part for me, can’t I just be done already?)
So here’s what you’re going to do:
By sectioning out compartments for forks, knives and spoons you are going to make unloading a lot easier . . .
What I do is take the first third for spoons, the middle for forks, and the back third for knives.
That way when you go to unload you simply grab all the spoons and drop them into their spot in the utensil drawer.
You can customize this to fit your needs too. For example, in my family, we generally use more spoons than forks or knives, so spoons get an extra compartment. I also put all of my larger utensils in the first slot so those can be easily grabbed and thrown into the caddy on the counter where they belong.
I know what you’re thinking… but this really isn’t that hard to do once you get the hang of it. It may take your family a little while to catch on, but don’t give up on them, if my family can learn to do it, trust me, yours can too.