How the Pandemic has Changed the Organizing Industry
The organizing industry has exploded since the pandemic started and understandably so as we’ve been stuck in our homes staring at all the useless, unnecessary stuff we’ve accumulated and most people are fed up. I’ve spent a lot of time during the pandemic purging my own house and I always find myself shocked by how much I am able to get rid of, even if I’ve just purged a few months earlier. The industry has changed in a lot of ways. Below are three things that I have noticed in dealing with my clients that seem to be fostering real change!
1 New appreciation for space
People appreciate the value of space in their homes and they are afraid to waste it! After over a year and a half of being trapped in our homes, everyone is realizing just how precious each square foot of space really is. Some are also realizing that they have way more things than they really need and are ready to make changes. This is great for organizers because now more than ever before clients are willing to purge those items they don’t need!
2 Readiness to Purge Unnecessary items
Almost every time I work with a client they will hold on to something ‘for a rainy day.’ A great example is toys that their kids have outgrown but may want to play with a few more times. If you are like most of my clients, you probably haven’t touched these items during almost two years in quarantine, so not only should you purge those items but you should really think twice about keeping anything for that rainy day that never seems to come.
3 Readiness to outsource
Everyone is hiring everything out. I’m doing it too! I don’t have time to run my business, work in my business, be a mom to a one- and three-year old AND make dinner, so I splurged on a meal delivery service and it has been a real game-changer. The lesson here? Don’t do what you are not good at or what someone else can do for you in much less time. Obviously, we can’t hire out every single thing we have to do (but I do still wish I could hire out all of the household-related chores!) but if you choose carefully and let an expert help you with a project that you’ve been putting off (an organizing project perhaps?), you’ll see firsthand how helpful this new trend can be.
Can you relate to the three ways the pandemic has changed things? If so send me an email and let me know!