How to Reduce Junk Mail

Do you get a lot of junk mail?  I know, dumb question, who doesn’t?!?  Each day, I work with clients who have piles of mail from weeks, months and sometimes even years ago, just sitting waiting patiently to be opened.  Here are my best tips with a few actionable items that can help you reduce the amount of paper and thus your stress level!

  1. Be careful where and to whom you give your personal information.  Just because a store clerk asks for your email, address, etc. at the checkout does not mean you actually have to give it to them.  I usually say that I’d rather not give my personal info when I suspect that my info is being collected simply to add me to a mailing list (no one ever pushes back on this--try it!).  

  2. Sign up with the below services to help reduce the load automatically:

3. Sign up for online bills and go paperless wherever you can.  Reducing the amount of incoming mail will help reduce the stress of dealing with mail in general.  There is usually an option to opt-out of paper statements right on the actual paper bill (that you probably still haven’t opened if we are being honest . . .).

Any other great tips we are missing?  Let me know in the comments!