Organizing Your Unmentionables
A lot of people have perfectly organized and uncluttered closets but when it comes to drawers they keep socks and undies in a jam-packed mess.
Here are a few tips to help keep those areas under control:
Sock inventory
Every six months or more if you can stomach it, you should dump the contents of your sock drawer and do a purge. Match up all the loose ones, toss anything that has holes or is just generally too worn, then assess what is left. If you have 30 pairs of running socks but you are running maybe once or twice a month, consider getting rid of some or most. Repeat the same process for underwear and bras.
Only keep what you are wearing currently. In spring you don’t need heavy winter socks taking up space in your drawer. Likewise, if you were nursing 6 months ago but now you aren’t, then those nursing bras need to be put with your maternity and nursing bins (which I’m sure you have neatly organized, labeled, and stored in a less accessible storage area right? ;)
You don’t need a fancy organizing container here. For my own, I use two simple drawer dividers, undies in one third (not folded, just tossed in there), bras folded in half in another third, and socks in the last third (balled as I’m not a fan of the delicate folding method that Marie Kondo suggests - they’re socks for goodness sakes! You aren't going to hurt their feelings by not gently folding them over each other).